Thursday, October 31, 2019

Construction Projects, Establishing a Procurement Strategy Essay

Construction Projects, Establishing a Procurement Strategy - Essay Example Some success factors that imply the design of an efficient strategy to an improved project performance achieved by minimizing construction conflicts may include; Partnering thus outlines through a formal agreement, early in the project, the responsibility, expected commitment levels and communication by all the stakeholders, with the clear understanding of the basis of any claims resulting from poor communication and lack of apt resolutions to arising differences. To better manage construction disputes, the design of fitting dispute resolution mechanisms, which are to be incorporated into the contract serves to either help in avoiding the disputes in totality or in quickly resolving any dispute once they arise. Besides stipulating guidelines relating to only the interests of the parties involved, international construction projects demand the consideration of compatibility to international law, politics and culture. International construction industry is being faced with demands to make rapid changes due to changes in procurement strategies, government-led reform initiatives and heightened fields of international competition. These changes are aimed at helping tackle any problems arising from the reforms and to forecast the levels of project success, while attempting to solve problems related to predominance of personal capitalism which imply weak organisational capabilities. In designing a procurement strategy, it is important to define a partnering infrastructure that governs the dissemination of the resources to be shared putting into consideration functions such as the reception, storage, retrieval and coding systems. This might include workshops and linkages in a computerized network to facilitate interaction between the parties in a virtual environment. (Infrastructure of Partnering for Construction Projects, 2001) The concept of modelling can be used to integrate the aspects of system and process to form a model for practising partnering which adopts a very systematic approach to modelling .This is referred to as the procedural mapping model, and it includes the recognition of the core practises and activities. It forms the basis for designing the key elements of a reasonable partnering involving interactive process description, success monitoring and goal assessment. (Exploring Critical Success Factors for Partnering in Construction Projects, 2004) Therefore partnering can be modelled to have three critical interrelating components; Mutual objectives which must be well understood and agreed upon, Problem resolution methodologies to ensure quickly enhanced

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Biography of a Race Essay Example for Free

Biography of a Race Essay It may be hard for biographers to win prize for his work. Therefore, for this to happen, it would take an exceptional skill paired with devoted attitude towards the craft. Such award as Pulitzer Prize requires these and David Levering Lewis apparently has these as proven in his biography about the civil rights leader William Edward Burghart Du Bois. The book is called ‘Biography of a Race’ which shows a remarkable manner of tackling of the life of Du Bois. It shows with clarity the picture of the environment in which the struggles set for the purpose of an endeavor. The complexity of this civil right leader’s involvement in socio political movements was carefully drawn with a structure that is outlined according to significant key points. The life of Du Bois revolves around his contribution with the condition of the present American society. He tried to escape the stereotypical position of blacks as subject class. Du Bois strived to gain social reform and have equity among the people regardless of race and color. He pushed the belief that blacks should also have access on all essential community benefits such as education. His life story is indeed challenging for any biographer to write. The whole context of the book is particularly exquisite although there are some parts of the first five of eleven chapters that may seem a little bit confusing. The length of the passages may require some reader to go over it again to get the key points but otherwise, they are precise. It is given that the life of Du Bois is complex and that can be the reason for this. The choice of the right approach is the true mark of Lewis’s skill in telling story and history. His book is a comprehensive study of a life story and succeeded in its purpose to reflect the life that made a huge contribution in the history. Thus, an award is nothing but deserved. Reference Lewis, D. L. (1993). W. E. B. Du Bois, 1868-1919: Biography of a Race. ON: Henry Holt and Company, LLC

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Strategy For Success In College

Strategy For Success In College Exemplification Essay: Write an essay presenting your formula for achieving success in college. You may, if you wish, talk about things such as scheduling time, maintaining a high energy level, and learning how to relax. Use examples from your own experience to make your point. Purpose: The main focus of this essay will be supporting a thesis with examples to illustrate or explain a general point; demonstrating focused, organized and developed paragraphs; and successfully incorporating quotes into your writing. Laid out in front of you is one of the most important examinations in your course. With sweat dripping and your palms perspiring, you anxiously flip through the pages of this never ending examination. Your mind spins and you are overwhelmed by the questions that you have no clue how to do. You know you should have studied, but it is too late now. You had your chance, but you missed it because you were busy playing video games and shopping while you were supposed to be studying and doing your homework. Have you ever experienced this sort of situation before where you felt helpless? By developing good study habits such as managing your time efficiently, preparing and organizing, being aware of and applying your learning style, and maintaining your health, you can become a strong and confident student. One of the main factors contributing to success in college is managing your time efficiently. This allows you to balance between your studies, work, and personal activities. How you use your time reflects on the kind of person you are, and by wisely distributing your time, you can become the person you aspire to be. An instrumental tool for success is a schedule, which can be used to record and keep track of all your assignments and tasks that you are committed to completing. In order to make the best use of your time, it is important for you to know what you want. This helps you set your priorities and become committed to obtaining your desired outcome. Next, you should choose realistic and achievable goals and plan strategies that will help you achieve that goal. It is important to also plan for problems that might arise in order to achieve that goal. One of the most common and serious problems you may encounter is procrastination. Other distractions include the television and other external noises. A quiet and distraction free environment is an ideal studying area. In my first year of high school, I had poor time management skills and suffered from extreme procrastination, which resulted in me achieving low grades. However, after imposing several changes in my life, I began to see drastic changes in my academic life. For one thing, I began to set a timer to cue me in on how much time I should spend on each assignment and how long my study session would last. This helped me finish my work quickly and fight procrastination. In order to combat procrastination, you need to be assertive and take self-control. Dont wait until the last minute to work on assignments, but rather work on them early on so you have more free time. In order to have time for recreation and fun, planning ahead is important. This includes writing down important dates in your schedule and planning how much time you will devote to each assignment or task. In addition to time management, organizing and studying are part of the stepping stones of success. My binders, folders, and cabinets used to be chaotic and disorderly. As a result, I often could not locate my homework assignments. This soon got to a point where I knew I had to change in order to succeed. I insisted on keeping color coded files for my assignments, tests, and other schoolwork and set a cabinet next to my desk with materials ranging from highlighters to rulers in each separate file. Organizing your papers will help you keep track of your grades and, ultimately, progress in your course. Organized notes are a vital studying tool. Knowing and using all your resources is one way to helping you achieve your maximum academic potential. Other ways to enhance your skills are to preview and review the chapter, take adequate notes, and do your homework while the information is fresh in your memory. However, it is not profitable to study a subject for a big chunk of time, having breaks, switching to other subjects, and breaking down chunks of reading will enable you to pay attention better. Another dilemma I was faced with was the inability to concentrate in long study sessions. As a result, I thought of creative ways to help myself concentrate better. I made color coded sticky notes in my textbook and often participated in study sessions. Involvement in a study group with your classmates and asking questions if you don’t understand something are ways that you can become more active in your learning. By developing a habit of regularly studying and having all supplies and materials available, you will become more of an active learner and will soon harvest the fruits of your hard work. Furthermore, in order to learn more efficiently, it is important to know and place emphasis on your learning style. My learning style is auditory. If you are an auditory learner, your best way for learning is to hear the information. Reading the notes out loud or listening to a lecture can help you comprehend the information. If you are a visual learner, you learn best by seeing it in pictures or in action, such as watching a clip or looking at pictures and diagrams. If you are a kinesthetic learner, you learn best by using incorporating all your senses. By using techniques such as conducting an experiment or going on a field trip or tour, you can learn precisely interpret the information. By trial and error, I learned my learning style during the course of my high school career. By reading my notes and chapters out loud, listening to recorded chapters available, and watching clips, I began to unfold a greater learning potential within me. There is one final element that is critical to a successful journey through college. Not only is it important to manage your time efficiently, prepare and organize, and apply your learning style, maintaining your health is just as important. This could include regularly exercising, eating healthy meals, and minimizing your stress. According to a study by Yale University, â€Å"The most important predictors of academic achievement were having no television in the bedroom, maintaining a healthy weight, being physically fit, having a secure source of healthy food, and rarely eating at fast-food restaurants. Other significant factors were not drinking soda or other sweetened drinks and getting enough sleep† (Yale School of Public Health). However, most college students overlook the importance of health and as a result, lead an unhealthy lifestyle. By not getting enough sleep, eating junk food, watching television, and consuming alcohol and drugs, they are prone to many ailments such as emotional and physical stress, obesity, malnutrition, and brain fog. These cause them to lose their ability to focus in class. In addition, most college students suffer from stress due to their hectic schedules. Stress can be minimized by exercising, proper sleep, taking breaks in between work, and meditating. Besides reducing stress, eating healthy is also an indicator in academic success. During breaks I have between study sessions, I snack on healthy foods like baby carrots with ranch or celery with peanut butter. Moreover, exercise is the key to leading a healthy lifestyle. No matter how hectic your life may be, always find a few minutes a day to go out for a walk. I go for a jog after studying to clear my head. By eating healthy and exercising, you can increase your focus and concentration, which leads to a higher energy level and ultimately, higher grades. Imagine the same student from earlier, this time with: better time management, more organization and preparation, and a healthier lifestyle. By eating fruits and vegetables, setting time aside for exercise several times a week, keeping a planner at hand with all his assignments and events written down, he has turned his academic life around. He used to get anxious about taking tests, but this time, he has studied for the test every day for the last two weeks, and knows he understands the material and has nothing to fear. He is confident in his ability to do well because he has structured his life to optimize for academic success.   

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Greatest Commandment Essay -- Bible, God

The Greatest Commandment â€Å"to love God† is the first and greatest commandment of all. In researching this commandment I have found that to love God is truly what God really wants from all of us. The commandment is referenced in all four of the gospels of the New Testament as well as being referenced in the Old Testament through the Ten Commandments in which the New Testament was based on. This commandment is so powerful it is found in Luke 10:25-37, Mark 12:28-34, John 13:34-35 and Matthew 22:34-40. It is also found in Deuteronomy 6:5 and also based on the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:1-17. Take for instance the gospel of Matthew in where the New Testament begins with the book of Matthew revealing the fulfillment of the prophecies in Jesus Christ, the long-awaited Messiah. Matthew was a Jewish tax collector for the Roman government who was called upon by Jesus to become one of the 12 apostles which often in his gospel will give us an eye witness account. Matthew wrote the gospel while living in Antioch, Syria after following Jesus between the years of A.D. 50-70. Matthews’s gospel provides an essential link between the Old and New Testament. Matthew 22:34-40 teaches us of the greatest commandment and what God wants from us foremost. In the scripture of Matthew 22:34-40 where this commandment is told by Jesus to the religious leaders, the Sadducees and the Pharisees who were attacking him and challenging him with one of the Pharisees in particular who was a lawyer decided to test Jesus in hopes of embarrassing him by asking: â€Å"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law?† (NIV, Matthew 22:36) Knowing that this was a difficult question because of the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament in which all are from ... ...merciful, for they will be shown mercy" and "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God" (Holy Bible, Matthew 5:3-11). These scriptures say a lot to us reinstating what Matthew has written in how we should live our lives and follow the laws stated by Jesus in The Greatest Commandment so that we can obtain our peace of heart and give our love, ourselves selflessly to God. For when Jesus answered this question, the religious leaders and the Pharisees knew that he had answered well. After this question was answered Jesus also asked and answered a question about his son ship to God and from then on his answers showed his wisdom and those that questioned him never dared to ask Jesus any more questions. They knew that he was the son of the Lord. All knew and understood that these two Greatest Commandments were to be the law and the prophecies to live by.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Four Seasons Hotels Essay

The Four Seasons Company, as per current financial, seems very profitable and the earnings per share are increasing each year. From 1997 to 1998 EPS increased by 66% and from 1998 to 1999 it increased by 22%, actually from 1997 to 1999, the value has more than doubled. The main reason for the increase seems to be a total net earnings increase of 112% in two years. (See Exhibit # 1 for figures). This is a result of increase in revenues and also because costs increased less than revenues. This indicates that in addition to higher sales, efficiency improvements have been effective as yearly costs for operating items dropped 68% and the interest costs also have decreased by 105%, making it interest income. Based on this information, the company is recommended to continue their emphasis on high personal service and quality for their hotels as the customer base are not price sensitive but concerned about service and luxury. It is important to have non-complaining, satisfied customers as this  group is more satisfied than those where service recovery is needed, even when service recovery is performed at a high level. Also, satisfied customers are more loyal and a key to continue having a financially strong company. A key to this development is to continue to focus on employee satisfaction and employment procedures as this is resulting in low turnover (compared to the industry average), highly experienced and motivated staff and consequently excellent service. Also, the strong financials support FSH’s (costly) growth strategy, and would further indicate that the company has the ‘back-bone’ to support such a strategy. 3.0 Leverage the website for marketing purposes The Four Season Hotel (â€Å"FSH†) should further leverage their impressive website. First, they should maximize the site for mass – marketing purposes. For example, the site would allow customers to appreciate all FSH properties, and a customer who has never seen a FSH can view rooms, conference halls, restaurants etc. The website can further provide up-to-date information on vacancies, promotions, city tours etc. This same information could be updated at any time to reflect specials across respective FSH. For instance, the Milan hotel might anticipate low vacancy one week, and could attempt to fill some vacancies by listing a Milan resident special on the site e.g. with a two night stay and get a free dinner in the restaurant. Internal marketing is another great possibility for the FSH, as long as the â€Å"high – tech† is followed by â€Å"high – touch†, and the system is not used to replace the human element. The intranet site should focus on cost-saving promotions, healthy competition between across respective FSH’s, employee feedback pages etc. Management should use the intranet as an additional medium to disseminate information to employees and as a means to obtain information from employees. An easy to use e-commerce site for the hotel would be interesting for select  Four Season’s customers. Again, this should not replace the â€Å"high – touch† that the FSH brand is identified with, but rather add another convenience for its customers. For example, some customers like making their reservation via the Internet and having an additional option with regards to making a hotel booking could turn out positively. 4.0 Establish and manage a common customer awareness database The hotel should change the existing database containing guest preferences into a centralized database available to all FHS properties. This should be deemed a high priority. It would be a typical one-time fix to enhance customer satisfaction and for implementation it could leverage FSH’s existing intranet platform. The main driver for a change of this sort would be its potential to further improve the FSH’s customer service. For example, as existing FSH customers are highly concerned about time there should be no need for them to fill in forms with preferences for each new hotel they arrive at. Also, it would be perceived as impressive for the customer arriving at a new hotel where the personnel would already know their preferences. This would increase the feeling of intimacy and personal touch during the hotel stay and consequently enhance customer loyalty and satisfaction. Additionally, the fact that only 9% of Four Season’s hotel guests are using multiple properties should not lower the importance of making such a change. In fact, 9% of their customer base means that approximately 400.000 customers each year use multiple Four Seasons Hotels. (See Exhibit #1) Also, the positive word-of-mouth this change would bring will most likely increase the number of guests staying at multiple properties. Furthermore, as the hotel has a growth strategy, the number of hotels and rooms will continue to increase and as such enhance the need for the common database. Also, in addition to customer satisfaction, having one database for all hotels would decrease costs for the chain in the long run as it will not have to maintain 50+ different databases. 5.0 Four Season’s management should solicit select feedback from customers. The idea here is quite simple and essentially comes down to ensuring that the hotel maintains its brand. The FSH has done very well by establishing a strong brand and enjoys a high % of repeat customers. Management and employees alike know what the Four Seasons stands for and the experience they aim to offer the customer. That said, and as technology races forward it is important for businesses to leverage it where possible and ‘profitable’. The key for the Four Seasons is to leverage it in a way that does not negatively impact their brand i.e. detract from the overall customer experience offered by Four Season’s employees, which is highly personal, intimate and customer oriented. For example, management could solicit feedback from customers as to whether they would use an automated (electronic) checkout service and whether customers view this as something consistent with the Four Season’s brand. This selective feedback could be centralized at first in that it is sponsored by the corporate office (so as to solicit feedback that could be leveraged across all properties) and then ‘tweaked’ per location to take into consideration cultural specifics etc. Findings could be leveraged across properties and stored in the central database to eventually maintain, reinforce and ultimately improve the Four Season’s brand, customer experience and ultimate profitability. 6.0 Implement a â€Å"Seasons Pass Loyalty Program† Enhancing Customer Loyalty. Implementing a Loyalty program contributes to making guests feeling special, which undoubtedly makes a difference in his or her experience. A loyalty program could even extend to other value chain partners, thereby, allowing for further tracking of guest preferences. Without a loyalty program, FSH loses out on building strong relationships with its guests. As switching costs are minimal, loyalty is low unless a competitor differentiates and thereby increases its odds of attracting return guests. In order to compete successfully within this tier, a reputable brand name is imperative, which also represents a significant barrier to entry for potential new entrants. The common database will undoubtedly enhance the relationships because clients enjoy the sense of community that is established when being part of a loyalty club. Therefore it is important to have mechanisms in place to ensure guests to remain loyal to FSH and choose the company as his or her accommodation provider. To facilitate this, the hotel should introduce a frequent guest card, the ‘Seasons Pass’, which will serve two functions: 1. Track guest activities within FSH so that their preferences can be recorded. 2. Allow guests to collect points every time they stay at a Four Seasons property and use them towards service companies affiliated with Four Seasons, creating loyalty as a result. It will also aid individual FSH locations to better understand which facilities within the hotel or resort are the most sought after and will be able to segment the information based on the region of the world or type of consumer (leisure or business). Through partnering with external companies such as high-end car rental companies, airlines, and travel agencies, FSH will be able to offer guests a solution to every decision they may encounter during their stay. Thus the Seasons Pass and the networked database will ultimately be the bridge to building and maintaining positive guest relationships. Exhibit 1: Financial data for the Four Seasons Hotels – EOY 1997 to EOY 1999: Exhibit # 2: Number of customers using multiple Four Season Hotels each year * Assumed average coverage rate through the year is based on information in case, â€Å"The Roccoco New York Hotel† by Anna S. Mattila. Using the rate accomplished by the Roccoco New York boutique hotel. ** As no information of number of customers per room is provided, one per room is assumed.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Frederick Douglass Quotes on Womens Rights

Frederick Douglass Quotes on Womens Rights Frederick Douglass was an American abolitionist and former slave, and one of the most famous 19th-century orators and lecturers. He was present at the Seneca Falls Womens Rights Convention of 1848 and advocated for womens rights along with abolition and the rights of African Americans. Douglass last speech was to the National Council of Women in 1895; he died of a heart attack suffered the evening of the speech. Selected Frederick Douglass Quotations [Masthead of his newspaper, North Star, founded 1847] Right is of no sex - Truth is of no color - God is the Father of us all, and we are all Brethren. When the true history of the antislavery cause shall be written, women will occupy a large space in its pages, for the cause of the slave has been peculiarly womans cause. [Life and Times of Frederick Douglass,1881] Observing womans agency, devotion and efficiency in pleading the cause of the slave, gratitude for this high service early moved me to give favorable attention to the subject of what is called womans rights and caused me to be denominated a womans rights man. I am glad to say I have never been ashamed to be thus designated. [Life and Times of Frederick Douglass,1881] [A] woman should have every honorable motive to exertion which is enjoyed by man, to the full extent of her capacities and endowments. The case is too plain for argument. Nature has given woman the same powers, and subjected her to the same earth, breathes the same air, subsists on the same food, physical, moral, mental and spiritual. She has, therefore, an equal right with man, in all efforts to obtain and maintain a perfect existence. Woman should have justice as well as praise, and if she is to dispense with either, she can better afford to part with the latter than the former. Woman, however, like the colored man, will never be taken by her brother and lifted to a position. What she desires, she must fight for. We hold woman to be justly entitled to all we claim for man. We go farther, and express our conviction that all political rights which it is expedient for man to exercise, it is equally so for women. [At the 1848 Womens Rights Convention at Seneca Falls, according to Stanton et al in [History of Woman Suffrage] A discussion of the rights of animals would be regarded with far more complacency by many of what are called the wise and the good of our land, than would be a discussion of the rights of woman. [From an 1848 article in the North Star about the Seneca Falls Womens Rights Convention and its reception by the general public] Should the females of New York be placed on a level of equality with males before the law? If so, let us petition for this impartial justice for women. In order to insure this equal justice should the females of New York, like the males, have a voice in appointing the law makers and the law administrators? If so, let us petition for Womans Right to Suffrage. [1853] On putting a priority, after the Civil War, on votes for African Americans males before women in general] When women, because they are women, are dragged from their homes and hung upon lampposts; when their children are torn from their arms and their brains dashed upon the pavement;... then they will have the urgency to obtain the ballot. When I ran away from slavery, it was for myself; when I advocated emancipation, it was for my people; but when I stood up for the rights of women, self was out of the question, and I found a little nobility in the act. [About Harriet Tubman] Much that you have done would seem improbable to those who do not know you as I know you. Quote collection assembled by Jone Johnson Lewis.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Marxist Critiques of Capitalism Theory of Surplus Value

Marxist Critiques of Capitalism Theory of Surplus Value Introduction Marxist critiques of capitalism challenge each other in many aspects. However, the three critiques are interrelated.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Marxist Critiques of Capitalism: Theory of Surplus Value specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Theory of surplus value This theory states that surplus value is a factor of surplus production. This theory also encompasses labor. Thus, capitalism exploits the common work force. The surplus production is constantly being created. In fact, workers are willing to put extra effort in performing their daily tasks. This benefits the owner and stakeholders of the organization. In this process, a modern slavery regime is continuously created. The comparison of the two brings out the idea of work being done at no cost. This results in extra products that create the surplus value. This is a sign of extra revenue to the owner. This theory contradicts the common ideology of fa ir exchange between the capitalists and the work force. This ideology encompasses fairness and justice in conducting business. This is against the ideology that people will receive wages according to their level performance. This theory offers the best definition of profit. Theory of value This theory states that price is a dependent variable and value is an independent variable. The theory also considers price as the best aspect that can be used to value a commodity.Advertising Looking for essay on political sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This theory’s principle is based on the theory of supply and demand. It creates an atmosphere that will clearly mimic a pure capitalistic situation. To demonstrate this theory, it is essential to use figures to quantify the actual change created by the situation. A perfect example of this is the assumption that a working day has six hours. Further, there is an ass umption of the value of production that a worker will create by the end of the day. This will encompass all the activities that are done in one day. In this case, $ 1000.00 will be the value of the production. If the working hours are inflated from 6 hours to 12 hours, the value of production doubles to $ 2000.00. In this example, surplus labor produces twice as much as the initial production value. This situation creates a new equation that relates the working hours to the new value of price. N = M * L Therefore, N is the new value of price. M is the new product production of a worker in one hour and L is the labor hours for one worker in one day. Commodity fetishism This theory states that human beings embrace the trends in the market. For instance, they seek to buy or receive wages that prevail in the market. Here, the market creates the relationship between value and price of a good or service.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Marxist Critiques of Capita lism: Theory of Surplus Value specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is the price of labor and basic goods for human advancement. This behavior turns the people into commodities and governs the way human beings relate to one another in the society. An individuals self-value is what he or she is worth. This can also be the amount of monetary compensation payable to the individual for his or her strength or expertise. Thus, job seekers or house buyers tend to rely on the current market situation as the basis for market prices for houses or wages. Conclusion This situation makes the people victims of the market and not its benefactors. They have no control over the prices in the environment. Prices are determined by the situation that is created by the forces of the economy.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Identify Types of Trees in North America

How to Identify Types of Trees in North America The easiest way to identify North American trees is by looking at their branches. Do you see leaves or needles? Does the foliage last all year or is it shed annually? These clues will help you identify just about any hardwood or softwood tree you see in North America.  Think you know your North American trees? Hardwood Trees Hardwoods are  also known as angiosperms, broadleaf, or deciduous trees. They are  abundant in the eastern forests of North America, though they can be found throughout the continent. Broadleaf trees, as the name suggests, bear leaves that vary in size, shape, and thickness. Most hardwoods shed their leaves annually; American holly and evergreen magnolias are two exceptions. Deciduous trees reproduce by bearing fruit that contains a seed or seeds. Common types of hardwood fruit include  acorns, nuts, berries, pomes (fleshy fruit like apples), drupes (stone fruit like peaches), samaras (winged pods), and capsules (flowers).  Some deciduous trees, such as oak or hickory, are very hard indeed. Others, like birch, are fairly soft.   Hardwoods have either simple or compound leaves. Simple leaves are just that: a single leaf attached to a stem. Compound leaves have multiple leaves attached to a single stem. Simple leaves can be further divided into lobed and unlobed. Unlobed leaves may have a smooth edge like a magnolia or a serrated edge like an elm. Lobed leaves have complex shapes that radiate either from a single point along the midrib  like maple or from multiple points like white oak. When it comes to the  most common North American trees, the red alder is number one. Also known as Alnus rubra, its Latin name, this deciduous tree can be identified by oval-shaped leaves with serrated edges and a defined tip, as well as rust-red bark. Mature red alders range from about 65 feet to 100 feet in height, and they are generally found in the western U.S. and Canada. Softwood Trees Softwoods  are  also known as  gymnosperms, conifers or evergreen trees. They are  abundant throughout  North America. Evergreens retain their needle- or scale-like foliage year-round; two exceptions are the bald cypress and tamarack. Softwood trees bear their fruit in the form of cones. Common needle-bearing conifers include spruce, pine, larch, and fir. If the tree has scale-like leaves, then it is probably a cedar or juniper, which are also coniferous trees. If the tree has bunches or clusters of needles, it is pine or larch. If its needles are arrayed neatly along a branch, its  fir or spruce. The trees cone can provide clues, too. Firs have upright cones that are often cylindrical. Spruce cones, by contrast, point downward. Junipers dont have cones; they have small clusters of blue-black berries. The most common softwood tree in North America is the  bald cypress. This tree is atypical  in that it drops its needles annually, hence the bald in its name. Also known as  Taxodium distichum, the bald cypress is found along the coastal wetlands and low-lying areas of the Southeast and Gulf Coast region. Mature bald cypress grows to a height of 100 to 120 feet. It has flat-bladed leaves about 1 cm in length that fans out along twigs. Its bark is gray-brown to red-brown and fibrous.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Musical cultures of native american and brazil Essay

Musical cultures of native american and brazil - Essay Example "Traditional music culture in Brazil and Native American cultures" essay describes the diversity of music styles of these cultures. These two groups of people have had a long history characterized by struggle, the strife and the final triumph. To begin with, The American Song published by Alexander Street Press. It is a large database that contains over 50,000 tracks which offer room for people to listen to and have a feel of America's past music. As such the database includes songs formulated by the Native Americans, the immigrants as well as slaves. Also inclusive in the database are Civil Rights songs, the political campaigns, Civil War among much more. The Encyclopedia of Natives Music: More Than a Century of Recording from Wax Cylinder to the Internet by Brian Wright-McLeod, illustrated by photographs and cover albums. And printed by Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 2005 for Fine Art Music Collections provides vital information concerning the Native American culture. As such, the Encyclopedia of Native American Music recognizes contributions made by some Native recording artists by examining commercially released music history. Indeed it provides an overview of the recorded Native music while pointing out its historical value which has been organized by the genre for a much quicker reference. In addition, soundtracks as well as, compilation albums for artists have been included. As such this book enumerates some spoken word recordings and further includes comedy, poetry and audio books. Indian Blues: American Indian and Politics of Music, 1879-1934 written by, John W.T,    Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, c2009. As such, Troutman  examines the politics of music on the Indian reservations and public venues as well as, reservation boarding schools at the beginning of the 20th century. During this period , US government (Office of the Indian Affairs) was engaged in controlling the musical practices Indian Americans as a way of assimilating them. The author uses the opening of the Carlisle Indians School in 1879, and the enactment of the Indians Reorganization Act in 1934 at the start and conclusions. As such, he examines how the Native American, government officials as well as , the non-Indian audiences adopted musical practice in order to shape the Indian policy. Music of the First Nations: Traditions and Innovations in the Native North American edited by Tara Browner.  Urbana: University of Illinois Press, c2009.  As such, this anthology lays out a numb er of ways in approaching an ethnomusicology of the musical expression of the Native Americans. Concerning the Culture in Brazil, Latin music describes different types of traditional songs performed in Brazil, more particularly; the samba, Bossa nova and Choro have been identified. Additionally, Buzzlle describes different forms of Brazilian music, and the musical instruments used, listing, Bateria, Ganza Shekere, and the tambourine among others RESPONSE TO III The challenges include language diversity, rise of global communications and the ease at which people move, increased competition, the American cultural exchange service, the Bahia

Friday, October 18, 2019

Demonstrating Professional Skepticism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Demonstrating Professional Skepticism - Essay Example Boyle et al. (2015) observe that the failure on the part of the auditors to exercise professional skepticism when conducting the audit of financial statements imposes costs on the shareholders and other stakeholders. When fraud fails to be recognized, the shareholders are the net losers. The article points to the application of professional skepticism in audit engagements as being the solution to the increased number of audit failures and deficiencies. Professional skepticism has become a matter of critical importance to the profession of auditing given the increased complexity of the audit environment (Boyle et al. 5). The article explains that the exercise of professional skepticism by the auditors is in line with the requirements of the Statements on Auditing Standards 1 (SAS1) (Boyle et al. 5). The standard on auditing requires that the auditors must apply due care with an emphasis on the exercise of professional skepticism as part of the auditor responsibilities and functions. T he role of professional skepticism in the consideration of fraud in the audit of financial statements is analyzed with a proper discussion and relation of the elements of skepticism to the audit (Boyle et al. 6). Boyle et al. (2015) explain that professional skepticism is an attitude that involves a critical assessment and analysis of audit evidence and a questioning mind. It is this questioning mindset that enhances the possibilities of recognizing fraud with less attention to experience.

What drives Willie Loman and sons Seeing the world through the Coursework

What drives Willie Loman and sons Seeing the world through the protagonists eyes - Coursework Example Biff considered his family and himself to be the ordinary people, which are not able to achieve the unreal dreams. Both brothers (Biff and Holly) are shown as the people, who do not wait anything special from life, though they possess different characters, as Happy is not involved greatly in the moral principles. The brothers have totally different inner worlds. The death of Willy did not change anything in the mind of his son Holly, he decided to follow his father’s steps and continue to live in the same way, making the same mistakes, while Biff saw the kind of fatuity in the death of his father. He sees it as useless as his own life and decides to live differently. The readers can understand it, when Biff says: â€Å"He had the wrong dreams. All, all, wrong!† (). Biff finds out, that during the useless rush for the unreachable dream, his father lost thousands of happy moments of the regular every day life. The theme of the play touches the questions of human self-know ledge and its importance for the life of the individual. The relationships of Biff and his father were never perfect. Biff saw his father as an example until he got disappointed in his actions and behavior. Without any idea of who he was, he tried to live the same life as his father and understood that it was the wrong one, after the numerous troubles and sorrows. He learned the sense of life through his own mistakes, though at the end of the story we cannot say that he found himself. The motivation of the play’s characters is revealed through their reaction on different events. The reaction of Holly on his father’s death gives him strength to continue his path and to show everyone that it was not in vain. Linda seeks freedom as the mean of escaping from numerous debts and achieve stability. The play possesses a deep philosophical context. The idea of â€Å"American Dream† remains the most wanted and needed among the people. The

Polyprod Change Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Polyprod Change Management - Assignment Example Polyprod is a multinational company that designs; develops, manufactures and markets various high-tech products for both commercial and home use. The firm has been in operation for the last eleven years and has been experiencing exponential growth. The companies has it's headquarter at the United States and several centers located at Canada, Asia, Europe and Africa. The central or the headquarter division managers all the other centers in different location though the other centers have autonomy to make decisions. The firm has an elaborate and highly automated manufacturing process that allows for the huge production and makes the system operate at high speeds, intricacy and produce massive volume of the products sold. The designs are created at the headquarters while the production takes place at various aforementioned locations to exploit cheap labour and maximize on profits. The products manufactured are of high quality and must pass the quality control tests. In spite of all the success experienced by the company, there are many organizational problems hampering the growth of the firm. Some of these factors include organizational and leadership problems, resistance to changes in organizational culture, rapid organizational growth, documentation and human resources problems In the wake of these issu... The central or the headquarter division managers all the other centers in different location though the other centers have autonomy to make decisions. The firm has an elaborate and highly automated manufacturing process that allows for the huge production and makes the system operate at high speeds, intricacy and produce massive volume of the products sold. The designs are created at the headquarters while the production takes place at various aforementioned locations to exploit cheap labour and maximize on profits. The products manufactured are of high quality and must pass the quality control tests. In spite of all the success experienced by the company, there are many organizational problems hampering the growth of the firm. Some of these factors include organizational and leadership problems, resistance to changes in organizational culture, rapid organizational growth, documentation and human resources problems In the wake of these issues, the company hired an external consultant to streamline and improve the impeding management, organizational and leadership issues. The consultant will also make decisions on ways of improving the manufacturing and distribution division at Polyprod. 1.2 Problem statement The rapid development in Polyprod in the past 11 years has resulted to the company experiencing severe problems in the following main areas Inefficient and ineffective management and leadership practices The firm's unable to monitor the number of locations, sales, product lines and capital equipment which have increased exponentially. Polyprod Lacks proper personnel support systems such as information and knowledge management system. The firm has also hired temporary and in-experienced personnel who cannot handle and manage the growing

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Confidence In Of International Brands Dissertation

The Confidence In Of International Brands - Dissertation Example Figure 2: Age distribution in Saudi Arabia (male and female combined). Data sourced from Central Intelligence Agency The Saudi Fashion Market Western brands are very common in Saudi Arabia. Growth in franchising has been estimated at 27% in the Middle East in general, and in Saudi Arabia more than 70% of all franchised operations are American owned. Fashion from UK, Europe and the USA are all experiencing strong growth in the Saudi market, especially in the area of female fashion. While UK fashion initially had a strong hold over the market, there is now increasing trends towards US brands such as Gap, Gucci and Louis Vitton . The fashion market in Saudi is very seasonally based, with sales following religious holidays as well as the seasons. With the relatively young population, there is large potential for the fashion market. The habits of the nation are changing to become more in line with Western culture, a trend that is especially strong in the younger generation. Women are leav ing their traditional roles and many going into work. These trends are driving the boom in the fashion industry . Despite the fact that women wear the Abaya over their clothes, a traditional black dress that covers them, they often wear western clothing underneath . In addition there is a trend of fashion designers producing colored Abayas that are popular, especially for the younger generation. Teenage girls and young adult females have developed ways of wearing their Abayas that reveal their western clothing underneath, such as leaving the front wide open, or tying the edge around their waists, so their tight western jeans can be seen . There are also many different styles and cuts of Abayas and... While malls in Saudi Arabia resemble the western style of malls in many ways, but there is also strong evidence of the strict religious and cultural guidelines that are in place. Images on the front of music CDs are often censored, such as the sleeveless dress that Celine Dion wears on the front of one of her albums was replaced with a black shawl. Other differences are also noticeable, male and female Saudis are only able to work together in hospitals, so all sales people on the mall’s mixed floors are male foreign workers. At McDonald's the women must eat in a separate walled off section, while men eat in the open. The country has large segregation between men and women, so much so that paranoia about men hiding in dressing rooms has resulted in the absence of any dressing rooms in malls. The Kingdom Centre in Riyadh is attempting to turn this into a business advantage rather than a logistical hassle. They offer a female only floor, where all staff and security are female an d females are free to walk around in western style clothing, checking in their Abayas if they wish). Both products and sales are advertised in a wide number of ways, similar to in the western market. Internet advertisements are common, especially with the increasing use of the internet. Blogging has become a popular means of expressing the opinion, especially as media is tightly controlled. Because of this, flash and static advertising are common through blogging sites, although these are mainly for fashion stores in general.

One-way analysis of variance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

One-way analysis of variance - Assignment Example Basically, the basis of one-way ANOVA is to partition the sum of squares within and between classes. This method enables effective comparison of different classes simultaneously assuming the data is normally distributed. One way ANOVA is determined in three critical steps starting with obtaining squares for all classes of data. The degree of freedom, which is the total number of independent data that is considered to estimate a parameter, is also determined. Estimating degrees of freedom later on becomes effective in analysing null hypothesis. According to null hypothesis, the mean of classes under consideration is taken to be the same meaning that the variation within and between classes is not significantly different if not identical. This paper applies one-way ANOVA to analyze data for three categories of doctors. To analyse the variance, one-way ANOVA helps to establish the mean of individual groups, known as the treatment mean. Further, the grand mean, which is the mean for the entire data, is also computed. A scatter diagram (data on appendix) No. of years in NHS only (x-axis) Perform a one-way analysis of variance, recording all your interim calculations. Treatment mean for the three groups is: NHS only-11.25, private practice only-25.33 and both NHS and private practice-21.92. Grand mean= (11.25+25.33+21.92)/3 = 19.5 Estimate the treatment effects of the three groups. =11.25-19.5=-8.25 =25.33-19.5=5.83 =21.92-19.5=2.42 The researcher should then compute one-way ANOVA to determine whether the differences in effects are significant. To determine the variance, the following formula is used: One-way ANOVA, MS Total = MS Total/ (J-1) = (SS Within +SS between)/ (N-1) MS within estimates variability within a group, it is also known as SS residue or SS error. N is Degree of Freedom (D.F) calculated as; N-1, where N is the total number of observation within individual group. MS within= SS within/ D.F (N-1) On the other hand, MS between estimates variability betw een the groups, it is also known as SS explained since it shows variability explained by group membership. J is Degrees of Freedom (D.F) calculated as; J-1, where J is the total number of observations in all groups. MS between= SS between/ D.F (J-1) Ti=135, Tii=304, Tiii=263 (i) (?y) ^2 =702^2 = 13,689 N 36 (ii) ?Y^2= 12^2++27^2+1^2....+37^2= 19,578 (iii) ?Ti^2 = 135^2+ 304^2+ 263^2 = 1,518.75 +7,701.33+5,764.08 = 14,984.16 N 12 12 12 SS Within= 19,578-14,984.16 = 4,593.84 SS Between=14,984.16- 13,689 =1,295.16 SS Total= 19,578- 13,689= 5,889 Therefore: MS Total= SS Total/ (N-1) =5,889/36 =163.58 MS Between= SS Between/ (J-1) =1,295.16/2= 647.58 MS Within= SS Within/ (N-1) =4,593.84/ (36-3) =139.2 Source SS D.F Mean Square F Treatment SS Between= 1,295.16 J-1=2 SS Between/(J-1) =647.58 = MS Between MS Within = 4.7 Error SS Within= 4,593.84 N-J=33 SS Within/(N-1) =139.2 Total SS Total= 5,889 N-1=35 SS Total/(N-1) =168.26 Step1: Ho= ?= ?= ?, that is, treatments are equally effective S tep2: An F statistic is appropriate measure, since the dependent variable is continuous and there are more than one group. Step 3: Since ? = 0.05 and D.F= 2, 33, accept Ho if F2, 33 < 19.4 Step4: The computed value of F-statistic is 4.7 Step 5: Accept H0. The treatments are equally effective. Explain what your results mean in a way that a non-statistician could understand. As mentioned above, one-way ANOVA seeks to compare two or more classes of data in order to determine if

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Polyprod Change Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Polyprod Change Management - Assignment Example Polyprod is a multinational company that designs; develops, manufactures and markets various high-tech products for both commercial and home use. The firm has been in operation for the last eleven years and has been experiencing exponential growth. The companies has it's headquarter at the United States and several centers located at Canada, Asia, Europe and Africa. The central or the headquarter division managers all the other centers in different location though the other centers have autonomy to make decisions. The firm has an elaborate and highly automated manufacturing process that allows for the huge production and makes the system operate at high speeds, intricacy and produce massive volume of the products sold. The designs are created at the headquarters while the production takes place at various aforementioned locations to exploit cheap labour and maximize on profits. The products manufactured are of high quality and must pass the quality control tests. In spite of all the success experienced by the company, there are many organizational problems hampering the growth of the firm. Some of these factors include organizational and leadership problems, resistance to changes in organizational culture, rapid organizational growth, documentation and human resources problems In the wake of these issu... The central or the headquarter division managers all the other centers in different location though the other centers have autonomy to make decisions. The firm has an elaborate and highly automated manufacturing process that allows for the huge production and makes the system operate at high speeds, intricacy and produce massive volume of the products sold. The designs are created at the headquarters while the production takes place at various aforementioned locations to exploit cheap labour and maximize on profits. The products manufactured are of high quality and must pass the quality control tests. In spite of all the success experienced by the company, there are many organizational problems hampering the growth of the firm. Some of these factors include organizational and leadership problems, resistance to changes in organizational culture, rapid organizational growth, documentation and human resources problems In the wake of these issues, the company hired an external consultant to streamline and improve the impeding management, organizational and leadership issues. The consultant will also make decisions on ways of improving the manufacturing and distribution division at Polyprod. 1.2 Problem statement The rapid development in Polyprod in the past 11 years has resulted to the company experiencing severe problems in the following main areas Inefficient and ineffective management and leadership practices The firm's unable to monitor the number of locations, sales, product lines and capital equipment which have increased exponentially. Polyprod Lacks proper personnel support systems such as information and knowledge management system. The firm has also hired temporary and in-experienced personnel who cannot handle and manage the growing

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

One-way analysis of variance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

One-way analysis of variance - Assignment Example Basically, the basis of one-way ANOVA is to partition the sum of squares within and between classes. This method enables effective comparison of different classes simultaneously assuming the data is normally distributed. One way ANOVA is determined in three critical steps starting with obtaining squares for all classes of data. The degree of freedom, which is the total number of independent data that is considered to estimate a parameter, is also determined. Estimating degrees of freedom later on becomes effective in analysing null hypothesis. According to null hypothesis, the mean of classes under consideration is taken to be the same meaning that the variation within and between classes is not significantly different if not identical. This paper applies one-way ANOVA to analyze data for three categories of doctors. To analyse the variance, one-way ANOVA helps to establish the mean of individual groups, known as the treatment mean. Further, the grand mean, which is the mean for the entire data, is also computed. A scatter diagram (data on appendix) No. of years in NHS only (x-axis) Perform a one-way analysis of variance, recording all your interim calculations. Treatment mean for the three groups is: NHS only-11.25, private practice only-25.33 and both NHS and private practice-21.92. Grand mean= (11.25+25.33+21.92)/3 = 19.5 Estimate the treatment effects of the three groups. =11.25-19.5=-8.25 =25.33-19.5=5.83 =21.92-19.5=2.42 The researcher should then compute one-way ANOVA to determine whether the differences in effects are significant. To determine the variance, the following formula is used: One-way ANOVA, MS Total = MS Total/ (J-1) = (SS Within +SS between)/ (N-1) MS within estimates variability within a group, it is also known as SS residue or SS error. N is Degree of Freedom (D.F) calculated as; N-1, where N is the total number of observation within individual group. MS within= SS within/ D.F (N-1) On the other hand, MS between estimates variability betw een the groups, it is also known as SS explained since it shows variability explained by group membership. J is Degrees of Freedom (D.F) calculated as; J-1, where J is the total number of observations in all groups. MS between= SS between/ D.F (J-1) Ti=135, Tii=304, Tiii=263 (i) (?y) ^2 =702^2 = 13,689 N 36 (ii) ?Y^2= 12^2++27^2+1^2....+37^2= 19,578 (iii) ?Ti^2 = 135^2+ 304^2+ 263^2 = 1,518.75 +7,701.33+5,764.08 = 14,984.16 N 12 12 12 SS Within= 19,578-14,984.16 = 4,593.84 SS Between=14,984.16- 13,689 =1,295.16 SS Total= 19,578- 13,689= 5,889 Therefore: MS Total= SS Total/ (N-1) =5,889/36 =163.58 MS Between= SS Between/ (J-1) =1,295.16/2= 647.58 MS Within= SS Within/ (N-1) =4,593.84/ (36-3) =139.2 Source SS D.F Mean Square F Treatment SS Between= 1,295.16 J-1=2 SS Between/(J-1) =647.58 = MS Between MS Within = 4.7 Error SS Within= 4,593.84 N-J=33 SS Within/(N-1) =139.2 Total SS Total= 5,889 N-1=35 SS Total/(N-1) =168.26 Step1: Ho= ?= ?= ?, that is, treatments are equally effective S tep2: An F statistic is appropriate measure, since the dependent variable is continuous and there are more than one group. Step 3: Since ? = 0.05 and D.F= 2, 33, accept Ho if F2, 33 < 19.4 Step4: The computed value of F-statistic is 4.7 Step 5: Accept H0. The treatments are equally effective. Explain what your results mean in a way that a non-statistician could understand. As mentioned above, one-way ANOVA seeks to compare two or more classes of data in order to determine if

Harrison Bergeron Essay Example for Free

Harrison Bergeron Essay Kurt Vonnegut’s fictional society adopted the theories of Social Contract and Social Justice to establish a new social and legal order. The people amended the constitution to attain equality for all. With the amendments, they created laws to make a uniform citizenry out of their people and in the process stripped them of their individuality. These laws were also intended to make them think and act alike which was their idea of equality. As to who is benefited from such extreme version of social control depends on whose viewpoint it was coming from. Despite their unrestricted freedoms no one was ultimately benefited in this kind of system. It was no guarantee of peace and absolute control, as in the case of Harrison. His physical and mental states were no match for the handicaps. Once both powers were unleashed and unrestrained what resulted was a blending and coordination that produced a beautiful symphony of dance and music. It was symbolical of the good things that can happen or that can be achieved if we let our natural gifts, talents and skills work for the common good. There can be unity in diversity and peaceful co-existence may be possible. In a controlled society as this fictional one, there were no norms, values, and culture that may identify them. For norms, values and culture were what will set them apart. This was a robotic society where the norms were that which are forced upon them because of the handicaps some were made to wear. Acceptable norms were absent because the standard (equality) was built into the system. In effect one had a common standard to follow in which to comport oneself, no less and no better that the others. There was only one value that stood, no one was above the other in appearance and in the treatment he gave and he got. Culture should define who and what this society was, but what would make it truly unique? There was nothing neither appealing nor interesting in it because everything went against the natural ways of man. People followed rules not out of their volition. How were they to know the good was turning bad, and worse was turning worst, if something in their brains signaled a censure. This restraint was basically against their good and benefit, but they had no choice but to obey what was programmed in their system. Once, this was a society that had reached the extreme end of the balance with their all-out freedoms and unchecked rights of individuals. The situation had reached unmanageable proportion that they had to resort to dramatic crisis control which brought them to the other extreme end by way of the encroachment on their rights and freedoms. This society took not only the people’s freedoms but their right senses as well. In what they figure to be the correct moves to effect change, their agitation towards a freak of nature was alarming, like when â€Å"some things about living weren’t quite right †¦ April not being Springtime† (Vonnegut, 1961). Law and society have interchangeable attributes. Law may change a society and society may change the law. In the case of Harrison Bergeron, society had made 3 amendments to their constitution out of desire for and necessity to change. They wanted to regulate and curb freedoms to a comfortable magnitude. The change in the law made this society a strictly tempered one. Lawyers and the legal system do not have a place in this society anymore. The Handicapper General proceeded to punish without trial law breakers. The only crime that can be committed was taking one’s handicaps off and that did not need investigation and defense. The crime and the criminal are self-evident. The fictional society does not have any direct similarities in today’s time. However, the inference to the curtailment of freedoms is plenty. When a society does not allow an artist to express his heart in his art, the Harrison Bergerons to criticize the government which should be for, by and of the people, and ease the fear of ordinary citizens, they are the translations of Vonnegut’s transgressions of freedoms in his fictional society. Instead of seeking for equality in the extreme, working with diversity might be the better option.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Multimedia Computer Science Essay

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Multimedia Computer Science Essay Multimedia is a combination of text, graphics, sound, animation, and video, interactive electronic or digital means of manipulation delivered to the user. Multimedia elements, including text, video, sound, graphics and animation. Used in the multimedia elements are present. Multimedia is only these elements are combined into a powerful new tool. The media elements in the worlds leading business and multi-platform multimedia services, video games and digital entertainment. Our work with our customers to provide the best solutions, while also providing the multimedia services they need to do this in order to achieve its market. We can create a very exciting and interesting and innovative and cost-effective technology, and then sell the item. Therefore, multimedia continues to play a huge role in keeping the attention and interest of the online advertising. . Interactive multimedia animation mode converted into a static image, therefore, to attract and encourage people to click on ads. Today there are thousands of sites on the Internet, the competition for customers in an unprecedented height. What ideal can be separated from your site depends on the nature of competition has been registered on your site any multimedia elements. Multimedia elements, such as through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. So I would like to discuss about the multimedia elements in Twitter. Video is one of the multimedia elements that can be promote through by Twitter. . Promoting videos involves embedding your links into several highly trafficked websites. People can easily watch your company or product videos. Music helps your company or brand to easily connect emotionally with its consumers. Animated images can be used to provide product demonstrations and presentations of the award-winning. You can easily demonstrate the features and benefits of your product and, therefore, to encourage consumers to try them out. Interactive video or image, but also to help your business build relationships with consumers can watch your companys product commercials and respond by posting their views or comments. If you provide useful feedback, then you can easily establish long-term lasting relationships with consumers. When shooting video ads, graphics, or composer, you need to pay a lot of attention. You must produce the quality of work, not only interesting, but also cited the induced action. If you can not be delivered or the production quality of the multimedia elements, and then hire a professional multimedia experts, should be your next best choice. Multimedia marketing to produce amazing results, if it is a correct implementation. Conversely, if you produce a substandard video or graphics, then your companys image or reputation will be severely damaged. Therefore, you need to carry out a thorough study, so that you can come up with creative multimedia concepts, the interest of many consumers. Employ a creative multimedia agency or corporate gu arantee, provide you with high-quality multimedia concepts, it is possible to improve your website traffic or sales. Element in Twitter Out of all the elements, the most influential text on the quality of interactive multimedia. In general, the text provides important information. The text as a cornerstone of the tying of other media elements. Sound The sound is used to provide emphasis or highlight the transition from one page to another. Sound synchronization screen, so that teachers can submit a lot of information. Creative use of sounds to become imaginative stimulus; improper use, it has become an obstacle or an annoyance. The distance between the two properties amount the acoustic frequency in each peak height of these wave patterns (sometimes referred to as pitch) peaks. The greater the distance, low voice.Representatives, through video visualization capabilities can be direct and powerful. While this is no doubt, it is how we see and the ability to interact with digital video content to the use of digital video education to provide a new and exciting possibilities. The video can stimulate interest and if it is relevant information on the other pages, and not too far. Video of one of the most compelling reasons, may be its dramatic ability to induce emotional responses from individuals. Animation The animation is used to display status changes over time, slowly, to provide students with information to make them in smaller blocks, it is absorbed. Animation, when a user enters a combination, so that students can view the different versions over time change, according to different variables. Animation is used to prove an idea or to explain a concept. Video is usually yes taken from the life, while the animation is based on the drawings on the. 2-D animation there are two types of animation cell animation based on 3-D animation of moving objects on the screen along a predetermined path on the changes, one to the next path animation: 3D animation- the structure of a wide range of contour and 3D objects and scenes animation defines the motion of the object rendering to an object, such as color, surface texture properties involves three steps modeling of three-dimensional animation, and transparency3-ÃÆ' ° animation amount: 3D animation image: from the multimedia concept scan ning the James Schuman3 3D animation special effects: the two images together a series of image warping 3D animation effects deformation distort a single image of the virtual reality Create a user the surrounding environment, therefore, he or she becomes part of the experience. Graphic Graphics to provide a learning session, the most creative possibility. They can from the photographs, drawings, charts, spreadsheet, photo from the CD-ROM, or from the Internet to pull something. Scanners, hand-painted work can be included. Standing commented that the picture recognition memory is almost unlimited. The reason for this is that the images use a lot of range of cortical skills: color, shape, line, size, texture, visual rhythm, especially the imagination. The advantages and disadvantages of Multimedia There are a couple of advantages and disadvantages to using multimedia in communication. Im only going to a list a few important ones below. If you are interested to know more, visit one of the given websites by just following the links. Advantages This is a very user-friendly. It does not need the number of energy users, in this sense, you can sit down to watch the demo, you can read the text and hear the sound. It is a multi-sensory. It uses the senses of many users, while the use of multimedia, such as hearings, see and talk. It is a comprehensive and interactive. Through different media in the process of digital integration. The possibility of interaction easy feedback are greatly increased. It is flexible. Digitalization, this media can easily be changed to adapt to different situations and audiences. It can be used for a variety of audiences, ranging from one person to the whole group. Creative Industries: the creative industries, including advertising, media and news, they use multimedia fun and interactive way to express their thoughts. Organization of advertising agencies and other creative work across a creative way of information, ideas and news. Path information in an interactive visualization of these ideas, multimedia plays a vital role. The latest developments in the enterprise: technology and multimedia environment has made it possible for entrepreneurs to come up with an attractive company website or presentation, including information about their products and services to the interpretation of text, audio and video. Marketing: construction in the site text, images, video shows the general idea of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹the product is very popular. To explain the links with the media, social networking sites to promote our ideas is inevitable. Customers can easily visualization and link to website, in a good way to understand the message. Telecommunications industry: Today, everyone is clear Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS). This service makes it possible to audio and video content from our mobile phones to send text. Previously, it was limited to only a certain number of text messages. In the phones multimedia applications area in 2012 will only increase with the daily development of the function, such as playing music, games, watching movies, and our mobile news. It can be seen in the entertainment industry entertainment: multimedia use one. With the latest technology research and invention, the annual multimedia range has been expanded. We like to see a 3D movie in the cinema theaters and on television and enjoy the movie special effects would not have been no multimedia possible. Running on a multimedia platform for video games. Multimedia range is the frequent introduction of a wide range of new video game every other day. In short, it can be said that increased consumer support and positive feedback from the range of digital multimedia, and only increase in 2012. Has become more technology-friendly in the world. Network marketing, the popularity of the use of computers, mobile phones and video games is expanding its door in 2012 of multimedia opportunities. . Disadvantages Information overload. Because it is so easy to use, it can contain too much information only once. Information overload. Because it is so easy to use, it can contain too much information only once. It takes time to compile. Even if it is flexible, it needs time with the original draft. It can be expensive. As one of my previous post mentioned, and multimedia using a wide range of resources, you can spend a lot of money. Too unrealistic. Large files such as video and audio effects, the time it takes to load your presentation. By adding too much may mean that you must use a larger computer storage files. If you want to upload to the Internet, there are several factors, such as bandwidth and the users ability to keep in mind. Compatibility Each browser can display at least some subset of HTML. The broad support of multimedia elements. The best example is the case of Apples mobile devices, Flash multimedia. As of mid-2012, the device still does not support Flash, resulting in the dependence of Flash iPad and iPhone, the website displays an error. This problem applies to other types of multimedia, as well. Use the Windows Media format, multimedia content website will often fail to work properly correct the users computer, the lack of the Windows Media plug-in. It takes time to compile. Even if it is flexible, it needs time with the original draft. It can be expensive. As one of my previous post mentioned, and multimedia using a wide range of resources, you can spend a lot of money. Too unrealistic. Large files such as video and audio effects, the time it takes to load your presentation. By adding too much may mean that you must use a larger computer storage files. If you want to upload to the Internet, there are several factors, such as bandwidth and the users ability to keep in mind. Compatibility Each browser can display at least some subset of HTML. The broad support of multimedia elements. The best example is the case of Apples mobile devices, Flash multimedia. As of mid-2012, the device still does not support Flash, resulting in the dependence of Flash iPad and iPhone, the website displays an error. This problem applies to other types of multimedia, as well. Use the Windows Media format, multimedia content website will often fail to work properly correct the users computer, the lack of the Windows Media plug-in. Question 2 Introduction A, multimedia production team may require as many as 18 discrete roles, including: Executive Producer Producer/Project Manager Creative Director/Multimedia Designer Art Director/Visual Designer Artist Interface Designer Game Designer   Subject Matter Expert Instructional Designer/Training Specialist Scriptwriter Animator(2-D/3-D) Sound Producer Music Composer Video Producer   Multimedia Programmer HTML Coder Lawyer/Media Acquisition Marketing Director Game Designer The work of game designers, video and computer game design and development team. Game designers usually have a game design, computer engineering or computer science degree. The game designers can enjoy the professional level designer, production assistant, programmer, junior game designers and quality assurance testing. Work with a team of game designers to develop and design video games. The game designer is a comprehensive, coordinated complex task to create a new team of designers and developers of video games is an important part. Game designers, such as character, multi-level, puzzles, art and animation design responsibilities. They can also write code using a different computer programming languagesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹. According to their professional duties, may also be responsible for project management tasks and test an earlier version of the video game. Responsibility of Game Designer The game designers have created the basic structure of the computer game, from story and setting, rules, characters, and a variety of objects in the game, including vehicles, buildings and weapons responsible for the design. They need to develop the game how to play to test and train games, to play it in some tests, everything is normal. Animator An Animator is produce a multiple image frames sequenced together to quickly create an animation is called the illusion of movement. The images can be digital or hand-drawn pictures, models or puppets. The animation is often in the two-dimensional animation, 3D modeling animation, stop frame or computer-generated animation. Computer-generated animation has a strong film (to create special effects or animation movies in their own right), as well as the work of television, the Internet and computer games industry in all aspects of. The art of animation, the animation of the basic skills are still dependent to a large extent, but the growth of a cartoonist need to be familiar with technical computer packages. Responsibility of Animator An Animator is responsible for leading and coordinating the animation team. Team participation, they may also be recruited to ensure that the selected artists the production of animation and drawing skills. They explained that, from the director, and other relevant departments of the short, animation, and the exchange of information. Marketing Director Marketing Director, responsible for the companys marketing efforts and strategies. The focus of the work may be mainly related to market segmentation, the definition of the consumer the common interests of the whole, income, age, race, or other factors. Director of marketing ultimately seek to find these market segments, which will purchase the products or services of their organization, as well as how best to present these products and services to selected target markets. Responsibility of Marketing Director Director of marketing, responsible for marketing, marketing plan, marketing budget, marketing, supplier management, business development and corporate communication activities related to monitoring the activities of management, marketing department, marketing database management and development and the development of the various functions of business the units of the organizations requirements of his or her work. Art Director/Visual Designer Art Director is responsible for art and design, advertising and shooting print and television advertising. They are policy makers, who are responsible for the quality of the finished product. The artistic director of a photographer, illustrator, model, advertising any props. Artistic director, to create a rough layout, the use of computers. The layout of the display copy and will use the fonts and colors, pictures look like. At this stage, the layout must be approved by the customer. Once approved as a rough layout of the ads, Artistic Director of the use of all resources to produce the finished ad. Responsibility of Art Director/Visual Designer The Art Director is responsible for printing or on-screen project, all the visual aspects. Artistic director, the process responsible for the development of visualization solutions for a variety of communication problems. He or she is helping to build corporate identity, promotional products and services; to improve the books, magazines, newsletters and other publications, and the establishment of the TV commercials, film and video production, website. Specializes in packaging, exhibition, or some specific areas of knowledge and experience in areas such as the Internet or art director. All directors, even those with a professional background, must be skilled not only design and illustration, and photography, computer, research, writing, and with the knowledge and supervision of graphic artists, photographers, writers, text editing, and other staff. Conclusion 18 discrete roles are important job that were in multimedia in our society todays. Therefore, responsibility of each 18 discrete roles is also useful and important in multimedia and our life when we were having which a job that inside of 18 discrete roles .

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Global Warming Essays -- Greenhouse Effect Climate Change

Global Warming The glass windows of a greenhouse lets in sunlight. The sunlight warms up objects inside the greenhouse. These objects then give off heat. The glass of the greenhouse, however, does not let out the heat. If the greenhouse lacks ventilation, all the heat stays locked inside and the temperature rises. This greenhouse effect also causes the inside of an automobile to become hot if its windows remain closed on a sunny day. The Earth and its atmosphere are like a giant greenhouse. Like the glass windows of a greenhouse, the atmosphere is nearly transparent to shortwave and visible solar radiation. Part of the energy absorbed by the Earth is radiated to the atmosphere as long-wave infrared radiation. Because it contains carbon dioxide and water vapor, which absorb much of the long-wave radiation before partially reradiating it back to the surface, the atmosphere is not completely transparent to this long-wave radiation. This causes the Earth and its atmosphere to warm up. Variations in the amounts of carbon dioxide and water vapor in the air can have a significant effect on how much heat is retained by the atmosphere. The total amount of carbon dioxide present in the Earth's atmosphere remained nearly constant until the 20th century, when the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, fuel oil, gasoline, and natural gas began to release large quantities of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The combustion of fossil fuels brought about an ever-increasing ri...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Mischief, Mayhem, In Tyler We Trust: A Textual Analysis of Personality

Psychological disorders are widely represented in films, as well as in other media texts such as novels, television shows, etc. One film that portrays more than one example of a psychological disorder is Fight Club, a Twentieth Century Fox movie released with an R rating in 1999. Directed by David Fincher; and produced by Art Linson, Cean Chaffin, and Ross Grayson Bell, the movie mainly introduces Dissociative Identity Disorders (also known as Multiple Personality Disorders), but also hints at insomnia and depression. The movie is adapted from the book Fight Club written by Chuck Palahniuk. Fox marketed the movie using a â€Å"myriad of merchandise, including posters, the soundtrack, and even email addresses († (CNN). The movie’s production budget was set at $63,000,000 with the movie grossing $37,030,102 (Daily Box Office). The characters of the movie refer to themselves as the â€Å"middle children of history† with the feelings of having no purpose or place in life. They convey that they have no history-making events or real set goals and/or destiny to look forward to. They were brought up by society to believe that one-day they would be rich, famous and loved just as those depicted on television. This is symbolic of society during the surrounding time of the movie’s release. It is prevalent in modern society to strive to become someone/something that one sees in the media. The movie is directed towards Generation-X, but the â€Å"†¦hope was that the film would demonstrate the themes of the story to a larger audience. It would offer more people the idea that they could create their own lives outside the existing blueprint for happiness offered by society† (Palahniuk). This message was one that demanded that its viewers put all that drives them aside, and rethink what they had been taught from childhood. After the film’s release, instead of delivering the message that was intended, it was m et with criticism and misunderstanding. This was due partly to the fact that it was scheduled for release shortly after the Columbine shootings. The movie became an easy target for those upset by the blatant violence which surrounded the Columbine incident. Although Fight Club is a film full of violence it is in reality one that promotes anti-violence, and points out to the audience the human impulses that cause violent behavior. Ironically, despite all of the med... ...iative Identity Disorder (DID) Fact Sheet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Doak, Robert. Studies in Popular Culture: Who Am I This Time? Multiple Personality Disorder and Popular Culture. Hamilton, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Medical Encyclopedia: Sleeping Difficulty.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Maisto, Albert A, and Charles G. Morris.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Psychology: an introduction. 12th edition. 2005.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pearson Education Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. Palahniuk, Chuck.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Fight Club DVD booklet. PsychNet-UK.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dissociative Identity Disorder: Disorder Information Sheet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ University of Iowa Health Care.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Multiple Personality Disorder: Health Topics: UI Health Care.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚

Friday, October 11, 2019

Effective Memorization Strategies

EFFECTIVE MEMORIZATION STRATEGIES Memorization, as defined by Wikipedia, is the process of committing something to memory. It is a process that everyone undertakes to store in memory for recalling later. Memorization is an ongoing, lifelong process. Examples of some of the items that we strive to memorize on a daily basis are telephone numbers, addresses, music, lists and maps. The memory demands for students in college are much greater than they are for adults due to the amount of information they are bombarded with on a daily basis. Being able to memorize information efficiently and accurately is very important to all college students. Adults generally have acquired much of the skills and knowledge that are required on a daily basis. It can be very challenging in a college setting to study whether it be in a dormitory or apartment. Constant commotion of people coming and going is not very conducive to memorizing text. It is recommended that students find a work-space where they are able to concentrate. The ideal location is one free of distractions such as a library. In 1996 Brown and Miller categorized memorization techniques. Their categories were: memorizing through repetition (rote), memorizing through mnemonic techniques, memorization through grouping, memorizing through association, and memorizing through visual, auditory and konesthetic systems. * There are several different techniques that can be used to improve memorization. Rote memorization is a technique that focuses on remembering facts by a means of repetitition. Everyone can remember back in grade school when we were introduced to the times tables. Multiplication facts such as two times two equals four are examples of learning by using rote memorization. Other examples are learning the states and their capitals and sight words which are taught in elementary school. An article written by Grace Fleming states â€Å"Rote learning is often viewed as bad practice, although some would argue that rote memorization is a necessary first step in learning basics. † Opponents of Rote memorization use the argument that this process involves learning facts without developing a deep understanding. In earlier days rote memorization was sometimes referred to as â€Å"drilling† E. D. Hirsch Jr. , a education reformer, does feel that drilling is essential. In circumstances where recall of information must be automatic such as mulitplication tables, â€Å"you need something like drilling. † He warns though that teachers need to strive to make sure the drilling isn't boring. Mnemonics is another memorization strategy. It is a very powerful tool that works extremely well for memorizing lists. The word Mnemonics is derived from the name of the Greek goddess of memory who was called Mnemosyne. It is based on the fact that it is much more easier for the human mind to remember personal, humorous or otherwise meaningful information than arbitrary sequences In Biology class students are required to learn to learn the biological classification system which is kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species. A student might commit to memory the phrase â€Å"Keep Pond Clean Or Frogs Get Sick. † Using the first letter of each word in this phrase would prompt a student into remembering the list. This is known as the sentence technique. An example of the word technique would be using the word HOMES to memorize the Great Lakes: Huron, Ontario Michigan, Erie, Superior. This can be referred to as word play. Mnemonics works best when there are strong association between the mnemonic and the what they stand for. Mnemonics link strategy is a system of remembering items by creating an association with these unrelated items. For example, a person might have to go to the grocery store to buy potatoes, chicken and a broom. In their mind they could picture a chicken sweeping up potatoes with a broom. When they reached the store and visualized this it would be easy to complete their shopping. This method is sometimes referred to as imaging. Some people find it easier to memorize using associations. Memorizing a new subject by associating it with a process you are very familiar with can help some students. Using Biology again as an example, you can relate cell structure to a factory. The cell body could be the boss in a factory. You could think of the ribosomes asmessengers in this factory. Grouping is another effective memorization technique. Students can be required to learn hundreds of facts. Trying to memorize a list this long would be impossible. To simplify memorization of this list the student can divide the subject into groups. Memorizing through visual, auditory and kinesthetic systems can be a very useful tool for some students. Research has shown that each sense is processed in a different part of your brain. Using these systems can enhance learning by using more of your brain. Some students have very good retention when they make flashcards to study for a test.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

My review and judgement for Toyshops online marketing Essay

Top shop online retail website allows their customer to purchase their products online. Top shop is generally regarded as the high street fashion centre for all women and men under 30, reasonably priced clothes suitable for all occasions. Top shop is one of the better laid out online shops the site uses an attractive black colour scheme and the clothes are divided into categories, viewers can choose to browse by New In items, Special Offers, Sale, Kate Moss range, Dresses, etc. Topshop is a high street fashion retailer that has been up and running since 1964 and is has successfully open 300 store across the UK, do shipments to more than 100 countries and has their eclectic British style is known all over the world. Over the years they have built a strong bond with industry insiders and in 2002 they joined forces with newgen, a scheme which allowed them to foster new design talent and provide a global platform for the scene’s brightest new stars. Topshop also the only high street brand to show on schedule at London Fashion week and Topshop Unique has become the style set’s hottest ticket. The Topshop formula is proving not just popular/reputation but profitable too. The chain made around $200 million in pre-tax profits last year on revenues of approximately $1.14 billion. Topshop online marketing system is very effective to its viewers/ users, Topshop’s online website benefits their customers because it give their customers the opportunity to visit their website at any time during business hours which make online shopping an excellent option for many busy shoppers. One of the most obvious benefit for online shoppers is convenience, online shoppers has the ability to purchase products/service from Topshop’s online website at any time which is most convenient for them. Their online website accepts orders twenty-four hours a day during normal business hours. Topshop’s online website provides their customers with total product information. Customers shopping online expect product details which is the Price, information on how the product or service runs on how to use it an so on, this is a benefit for the customer because before purchasing a product they get to see the price and get information on the product on how it will work out for them so they will get an rough idea of how it will work so before purchasing they could compare and select whether the price is suitable for them and if the service or product has what they need. Viewing items is easy – viewers can just click on the item they want to view in more detail and it brings up the name of the item, the price, a brief description of the product, materials used, suggestions for how to wear it, and a picture of the front and the back which you are able to zoom in. customers can see what sizes the item is available in – sizes go from 6-16 and any sizes not in stock are greyed out. The business online features is beneficial to their viewer because it help to their viewers to find exactly what they are looking for in other words ‘easy to use’; images, colours, gifs, videos, drop down menus and search bars are all useful to the business viewers. Topshop’s online website also provides their viewers to be able to create their own account with the company, get additional information on their business, clothing and also complaints, viewers can write their own review on their products and service that the business offers. The effectiveness of the of Topshop marketing The effectiveness of Topshop marketing online gives customers an opportunity to purchase items from their online webpage, collect information about the product, service and also information about the business, their online webpage is also design in a way to enable their customers to get exactly what the they are looking; at the bottom of Topshop online webpage is where customers can get the information there need from the business such as, information about the business, how to find different branches, help and also other website that the customers can visit for update; Facebook, twitter, YouTube and also Google. Images, videos, pictures, drop down menus, gifs and search bar play a big impact on how customers view the business webpage, it make it easier for the customers to locate stuff on the business webpage, because these online features are visual. Topshop online website is effective because it help to attraction new customers to the business. The internet is a main asset to many people because they use this on a regular basis whether it is to communication, gather information or locate new places. Topshop use many marketing techniques to promote their online business, these are; promotional adverts online, email promotion, hyperlinks, on website such as twitter and Facebook and so on YouTube. Topshop also have an app for all smartphone, where customers can use to also purchase item, gather information and so on, this is very effective for their customers because this give their customers the advantage to shop from anywhere, during business hours. Topshop internet marketing states for Facebook and Twitter. Topshop continues to grow its following on social media sites, due to lots of features, in-store promotions and relatively high levels of engagement with fans and followers. Stats from E-Digital Research look at the number of followers for the top 20 retailers on Facebook and Twitter and, for the first time, Google+. Top 20 UK retailers on Facebook Topshop was also in pole position and it has added more than 1m new fans since May 2011. Its target audience are big Facebook and social media in general users, so the strategy of promoting its Facebook presence works well. Content is regularly updated to keep people interested, while it also promotes its social media profiles in stores and from its website. The retailer uses exclusive deals and interactive content to keep people interested. How much this translates into sales is another matter, but it’s significant that it hasn’t opened an f-commerce store, presumably preferring to drive users to its product pages.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Characteristic Of The American Nation History Essay

Characteristic Of The American Nation History Essay The United States are different from the rest of the world in many aspects, and Americans themselves like to emphasize their uniqueness. Many books, introductions to cultural studies, manuals, textbooks, dictionaries, guides, articles, and essays have been written with one common aim. They all have tried to distinguish and call the American distinctness by real names, as well as they have attempted to explain why Americans are such an exceptional nation. This thesis is also one of the efforts to objectify a rather complicated jigsaw of the American character. In total amount of four chapters a complex portrait of an American will be offered. To start a research which quests a current form of any culture it is important to look firstly into its past. America may not have long history like English or Italian but still approximately 200 years of self-selective immigration were enough to set very clear distinctiveness typical for the United States. The first chapter of this thesis will attempt to point out various occurrences since the foundation of the first permanent settlement in the North America till 1776. Two greatest foreign traveler publications by Alexis de Tocqueville and J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur that contributed to the development of the national pride will be mentioned. These two historical sources will be compared with current literature and it will be observed whether they differ or not. Finally, it will be dealt with the proportions of European immigrants and how they helped to change the portrait of the American nation. The following chapter will continue on approximation of the American differentness by portraying the system of values. First of all, it will be clarified what is regarded as a value because traditionally more than one definition of this term occurs. It will be proven that values function like dominant pillars on which the structure of the American character has been built. Quite much attention will be paid to values like wor k, achievement, or equality because these values have their historical background and are still reflected not even in American behavior but also in stereotypes common about American citizens. The third part will be devoted to religion in the United States. This topic is purposely not attached to the chapter about values because as it will be explained, religion is traditionally not being mentioned as a value. What is more, religion will be portrayed as an independent factor touching different beliefs of common people but also like a factor contrasting to the secularity of the state. The very last and rather shorter chapter will comment on stereotypes and prejudices which often do not provide a very objective picture of the United States. Attention will be also paid to the notably higher number of American stereotypes in comparison to other countries. Finally some examples of individual stereotypes will be provided and by these means the picture of the American nation will be conclud ed. americans in terms of the historical development Ever since America has been discovered, especially the North America, it has represented an object of fascination to observers from other countries who have been trying to solve the question of American nationality. The quest of the American   [ 1 ]   national identity, and who or what is considered to be American is perennial. It is regarded as a common knowledge that the US is primarily and undoubtedly a country of immigrants. According to American historian John Harmon McElroy, more than 55 million immigrants have arrived into America in the last four centuries. Such a high number represents the largest movement of people flowing into a certain place or a country in the history of mankind (60).